MUKTI’S LIFESTYLE BLOG2022-11-21T10:45:11+00:00

Low carbon lifestyle choices…

Read how things turn out when Mukti Mitchell, founding director of Carbon Savvy, puts low-carbon lifestyle ideas into practice, in this occasional blog.

Life on the Veg

September 22nd, 2022|Lifestyle|

An occasional blog by Carbon Savvy founder Mukti Mitchell, where he tracks the highs and lows of his ongoing experiments to create a lifestyle which rates high in quality and has a low carbon footprint.

Article Archive

Does business care about going green?

June 28th, 2024|0 Comments

Paul Dickinson, one of TIME magazine's ten "Most Influential Leaders for Business", tells us about data crunching at CDP, cofounding the insulation company 'Mitchell & Dickinson,' and presenting the 'Outrage & Optimism' podcast.

Making Wellbeing Green

November 16th, 2023|1 Comment

Carbon Savvy talks with Lucy Johnson, former television reporter and practising psychotherapist, about founding her green lifestyle consultancy, and how sustainability and wellbeing go together.

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