Low carbon lifestyle choices…
Read how things turn out when Mukti Mitchell, founding director of Carbon Savvy, puts low-carbon lifestyle ideas into practice, in this occasional blog.
Life on the Veg
An occasional blog by Carbon Savvy founder Mukti Mitchell, where he tracks the highs and lows of his ongoing experiments to create a lifestyle which rates high in quality and has a low carbon footprint.
Low Carbon to the Mediterranean
Mukti travelled to the South of France and Northern Italy by train. Where did he go, how long did it take him and what was the carbon footprint over 14 days away?
E-bike Vs E-car: First Steps
The Como 4 e-bike in action E-bike Vs. E-car: First Steps Is swapping an electric car for an electric bicycle really viable? Mukti investigates … I’ve had an electric car for four years and absolutely [...]
Article Archive
Does business care about going green?
Paul Dickinson, one of TIME magazine's ten "Most Influential Leaders for Business", tells us about data crunching at CDP, cofounding the insulation company 'Mitchell & Dickinson,' and presenting the 'Outrage & Optimism' podcast.
Greening your transport
Jane Davidson went all out to become sustainable when she was appointed Minister for the Environment for Wales. Where did she start? Transport.
Making Wellbeing Green
Carbon Savvy talks with Lucy Johnson, former television reporter and practising psychotherapist, about founding her green lifestyle consultancy, and how sustainability and wellbeing go together.